The William Hogarth Archive | ||||
The Lampeter Founders' Library holds over 150 of the original engravings. Currently the majority are bound in two large volumes which require some conservation. Methods for this are under review at the time of writing.
The Prints are from various dates, from first issues to later copies published by enterprising publishers such as Boydell. All the main series, the 'Progresses' - 'The Rake's Progress', 'The Harlot's Progress', 'Marriage A La Mode ' , 'Industry and Idleness' (Two copies) 'Stages of Cruelty' - as they were called, are represented. There are engravings of his paintings by various hands, and some prints which are 'after Hogarth'. There is also a First Edition of his critical thesis on art, The Analysis of Beauty , as well as an elephant version of it, (with illustrations), and there is a very fine copy of Butler's Hudibras, with the Hogarth 'small' illustrations. We hope to build up an archive of his images with commentary and explication, so as to place his work in a cultural and historical context. In time we aim to provide a collection of 18th century images which others might use, and contribute to. Eventually, we hope to extend this site as general site for C18th studies in the visual and the cultural. This will begain by having an emphasis on graphic satire, but its subsequent direction will depend on research interests. We hope others will feel free to contribute ideas, notes, essays, research findings, germane material, images, etc.
(This is an on-going bibliography. Students over the years have helped to compile it, adding works on various aspects of C18th life they have found useful.) Suggestions are always welcome.
The Analysis of Beauty (London, 1753) ed. Joseph Burke (Oxford, 1955). This includes the surviving manuscripts of the 'Analysis' and of the 'autobiographical notes' Hogarth wrote in the early 1760s (British Museum). (One illustrated first edition copy, and one text-only copy in the Founders' Library, Lampeter.)
Hogarth's 'Apology for Painters', ed. Michael Kitson in
Walpole Society XLI. (Oxford, 1968), pp. 46-111, prints the remainder
of the BM Hogarth MS., which contain more 'autobiographical notes', a great
work on the situation of the artist in the eighteenth century, and notes
towards continuation of Roquet's commentary on the engravings.
Eighteenth Century
Vertue, George, Notebooks, pub. Walpole Society (Oxford, 1934, 1955) vols. XXII and xxx (Vertue III & VI).
Nichols, John, Biographical Anecdotes of William Hogarth, containing much contemporary material on Hogarth's life, was first published in 1781, and enlarged editions of 1782 and 1785. Nichols was assisted by George Steevens, Issac Reed and others. All of this material was still further expanded in three volumes as: Nichols, John, The Genuine Works of William Hogarth, in 1808, 1810, 1817.
Walpole, Horace, Anecdotes of Painting in England, based on Vertue's Notebooks, Vol. IV, 1781
Ireland, John, Hogarth Illustrated, 3 Vols. 1791, 1793, 1798, supplement, 1804.
Ireland, Samuel, Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth, 2 vols. 1794, 1799.
Note: Paulson identifies a 'main tradition of Hogarthian commentary' which, he argues, 'runs from Nichols and Steevens (accompanying their biographies), ending in J. B. Nichols' Anecdotes of William Hogarth ' (1833); to John Ireland's Graphic Illustrations. The above material is 'summed up, checked and corrected,and augmented in F. G. Stephens's excellent Catalogue of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum, II-IV (1873-83).
Roquet, Jean Andre, Letters de Monsieur * * A un de ses Amis A Paris pour expliquer les Etampes de Monsieur Hogarth (1746), to which was added a pamphlet on The March to Finchley, c. 1750. Paulson suggests the tradition of commentary on the paintings/engravings began with this work, sanctioned as it was by Hogarth.
Trusler, Revd. John Hogarth Moralised (1768). Trusler's explanations were still in use c.1841, when accompanied with an essay and notes by J. Major 1861.
Lichtenberg, G. C., AusfUrliche Erkl@rung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche (5 Vols., 1749-99)
Paulson suggests these works have been translated uncritically by Innes and Gustav Herdan as The World of Hogarth, Lichtenberg's Commentaries on Hogarth's Engravings (Boston, 1966), and the analysis of Marriage a La Mode very carefully by A. S. Wensinger and W. B. Coley as Hogarth on High Life (Middleton, 1970).
Nineteenth Century
Nichols, John and Steevens, John, The Genuine Works of William Hogarth, 2 Vols., London: Longman, 1808-1810, 1817.
Cook, Thomas, Hogarth Restored, the whole works... re-engraved by Thomas Cook, London, 1806.
Young, J., A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of William Hogarth, being selected and abridged from John Ireland's illustrations, and Nichols's biographical anecdotes, 1814.
Stockdale, J., Anecdotes of the Celebrated William Hogarth,
Trusler, Revd. John. The Works of William Hogarth, anecdotes containing Trusler's descriptions of the plates, and of the author by J. Hogarth and J. Nichols, London, 1833.
Trusler, Revd., John, Hogarth Moralised, containing Trusler's explanations of the plates, and with an essay and notes by J. Major, London, 1841.
Nichols, J. The Works of William Hogarth, from the original plates restored by James Heath, with a biographical essay by Nichols. London, 1835-37.
The Works of William Hogarth, including the Analysis, in 3 Vols. (bound in 1 Vol), London, Black & Armstrong, 1837.
Hannay, James, The Complete Works of William Hogarth, with an introductory essay by James Hannay, and descriptive letterpress by Revd. J.Trusler and E. F. Roberts, London: Griffin, Bohn & Co., 1861-62. Another edition; Ladan Printing and Publishing Co., [18..].
Sala, George A, William Hogarth: painter, engraver and philosopher: Essays on the art, the work and the time, Ward Lock, London. 1871
Twentieth Century
Alexander, Michael, ed. Hogarth's Progresses.
Antal, Frederick, Hogarth and his place in European Art, London, 1962.
Barton, Stuart, The Genius of William Hogarth, ed. R. A. Curtis, Worthing, 1972.
Bindman, David, Hogarth, in 'The World of Art Library', London, 1981.
Bindman, David, Hogarth and his Times: serious comedy, British Museum Press, 1997.
Beckett, Ronald B., Hogarth, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1949.
Burke, J. and Caldwell, C. (eds.), Hogarth's Complete Engravings, London (1968), 1973.
Cowley, Robert L. S., Marriage a La Mode: a review of Hogarth's Narrative Art, Manchester, MUP, 1982.
Davies, Martin, The British School, National Gallery Catalogue, 2nd ed., 1959.
Egerton, Judy, Hogarth's Marriage A-la-Mode, National Gallery Publications, 1997/8
Gaunt, William, The World of William Hogarth, London: Cape, 1978.
Jarrett, Derek, England in the Age of Hogarth, London, 1976.
Jarrett, Derek, The Ingenious Mr Hogarth, London, 1976.
Gowing, Lawrence, Hogarth, Tate Gallery Exhibition Catalogue, with an essay by Ronald Paulson, London, Tate, 1971.
Grimsditch, Herbert B., William Hogarth, Masters of Painting Series, with an introduction by Grimsditch, London, 1926.
Levey, Michael, Marriage A- la-Mode, with commentary and note on the painter by Michael Levey, National Gallery, 1970.
Lindsay, Jack, Hogarth, his art and his world, London, Hart-Davis Mac-Gibbon, 1977.
Oppe, A. P.The Drawings of William Hogarth, London, 1948.
Paulson, Ronald, Hogarth's Graphic Works, first complete editions, 2 Vols. Vol 1: Introduction and Catalogue; Vol. 2: The Engravings. Catalogue Raisonne; New Haven, Yale UP and London, 1965. Rev. ed. 1970.
-Hogarth, his life, his art, and times, 2 vols., New Haven & London, 1971.
-The Art of Hogarth, London, 1975.
-Emblem and Expression, London 1975.
-Popular and Polite Art in the Age of Hogarth and Fielding, Notre Dame and London, 1979.
Shesgreen, Sean (ed.), Engravings by Hogarth, New York & London, 1973.
Shesgreen, Sean, Hogarth and the times of the day tradition, Ithaca & London, Cornell UP 1983.
Voogd, Peter Jan de, Henry Fielding and William Hogarth: The Correspondences of the Arts, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1981.
Webster, Mary, Hogarth, London: Studio Vista, 1979.
Wark, Robert R. 'Hogarth's Narrative method in practice and theory' in England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century: Essay on Culture and Society, ed. H. T. Swedenborg Jr. Berkeley, 1972.
Wensinger, Arthur S., and Coley, William B., Hogarth on High Life: the 'Marriage A la mode' series from G. C. Lichtenberg's Commentaries, Middletown, 1970. This work contains full-size prints of the series
The Image of London
Phillips, Hugh, Mid-Georgian London, 1964.
Summerson, John, Georgian London,
George, Dorothy M., London Life in the Eighteenth Century, rev. ed., 1965.
Weinreb, Ben and Hibbert, Christopher, eds., The London Encyclopeaedia, revised edition, Papermac, London, 1993.
Caricatural Political Prints
Kunzle, David, The early comic strip: narrative strips and picture stories in the European broadsheet tradition from c.1450-1825, Berkeley & London, 1973.
George, Dorothy M., English Political Caricature: A Study of Opinion and Propaganda, Oxford , 1959, 2 Vols.
George, Dorothy M., Hogarth to Cruikshank: Social Change in Graphic Satire, 1967.
Atherton, Herbert M., Political Prints in the Age of Hogarth, Oxford, 1974.
George, Dorothy M., England in Transition, 1953.
Stone, Lawrence, The Family, Sex and Marriage, 1500-1800, 1979
Rule, J. G., The Experience of Labour in Eighteenth Century England, 1981.
Trumbach, L., The Rise of the Egalitarian Family: Aristocratic Kinship and Domestic Relations in Eighteenth Century England, 1978.
Dickinson, H. T., Liberty and Property: Political Ideology in Eighteenth Century Britain, 1972
Porter, R., English Society in the Eighteenth Century, 1982.
Literary Studies
Rogers, Pat, Hacks and Dunces, 1973
Rogers, Pat, The Context of English Literature in the Eighteenth Century, 1978
Preston, John, The Created Self: The Reader's Role in Eighteenth Century Fiction, 1970.
Dickinson, H. T. (ed.), Politics and Literature in the Eighteenth Century, 1974.
Moore, Robert E., Hogarth's Literary Relationships, repr. 1969 (1948).
Paulson, Ronald, Satire and the Novel in Eighteenth Century England, New Haven & London., Yale UP, 1967.
Klinger, Mary F., 'William Hogarth and Eighteenth Century Drama', PhD thesis, U. of N Y, 1970.
Speck, S. A., Society and Literature in England, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan Ltd.,
Politics and State
Colley, L., In Defiance of Oligarchy: The Tory Pary, 1714-60, 1982.
Browning, R., Political and Constitutional Ideas of the Court Whigs, 1982.
Thompson, E. P., Whigs and Hunters, 1975.
Dickinson, H. T., Walpole and the Whig Supremacy, 1973.
Krammick, I., Bolingbroke and his Circle: The Politics of Nostalgia in the Age of Walpole, Mass., 1968.
Articles of interest appear in:
British Journal of Eighteenth Century Studies
The Burlington Magazine
Journal of Social History
Literature and History .
William and Mary Quarterly
The Walpole Society
Rowlandson Bibliography
Some Principal Works Illustrated by Rowlandson:
Ackermann, R (with A Pugin) The Microcosm of London, (London 1808)
Ackermann, R., A History of the University of Oxford, its Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings. (London, 1814. 2 vols.)
Ackermann, R., A History of the University of Cambridge, its Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings. (London, 1815. 2 vols.)
Combe, W. and Rowlandson, T., The Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of the Picturesque. (London, 1812)
Combe, W. and Rowlandson, T., The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, in Search of Consolation. (London, 1820)
Combe, W. and Rowlandson T., The Third Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of a Wife. (London, 1821)
Goldsmith, 0., The Vicar of Wakefield. (London, 1817)
Nineteenth Century
Angelo, Henry, Reminiscences of Henry Angelo (London, 1828-30)
Camden Hotten, J., The Three Tours of Dr Syntax (London, 1868)
Grego, J., Rowlandson The Caricaturist (London, 1880. 2 Vols.)
Twentieth Century
Baskett, J. and Snelgrove, D., The Drawings of Thomas Rowlandson in the Paul Mellon Collection (London, 1977)
Baum, R. M., A Rowlandson Chronology (Art Bulletin, 20, 1938)
Butterfield, W. C., The Medical Caricatures of Thomas Rowlandsonson (journal of the American Medical Association, April 1973)
Bury, A., Rowlandson Drawings (London, 1949)
Davis, F., Wigstead - Thomas Rowlandson's Artist Friend (Illustrated London News, 189, 1936)
Falk, B., Thomas Rowlandson's Oxford (London, 1911)
Gully, A. L., Thomas Rowlandson,s Doctor Syntax (Ph.D. diss., Stanford University, 1972)
Hamilton, M. W., Doctor Syntax: A Silhouette of William Combe Esq. (London, 1969)
Hayes, J., A Catalogue of the Watercolour Drawings
by Thomas Rowlandson in the British Museum (London, 1960)
Hayes, J., Rowlandson Watercolours and Drawings
(London, 1949)
Image, S., The Serious Art of Thomas Rowlandson (Burlington Magazine, 14, 1908)
Meier, Kurt von, The Forbidden Erotica of Thomas Rowlandson (Los Angeles, 1970)
Oppe, A. P., Thomas Rowlandson: His Drawings and Watercolours (London, 1923)
Paulson, R., Rowlandson: A New Interpretation (London and New York, 1972)
Paulson, R., The Tradition of Comic Illustration from Hogarth to Cruikshank (Princton Uni. Library Chronicle, XXXV, 1973)
Riely, J., Rowlandson Drawings from the Paul Mellon Collection (Yale, 1977)
Samuels, A., 'Rudolph Ackermann and The English Dance of Death', (The Book Collector XXIII, 1974)
Samuels, A., 'Thomas Rowlandson and the Business of Art,' (Word and The Visual Imagination: Ed. Holtgen, Daly and Lottes, 1988, pp. 209-222.)
Samuels A. 'Rowlandson, Ackermann and the Art Scene', (Trivium, 1997) pp.239-256.
Schiff, G., The Amorous Illustrations of Thomas Rowlandson (Cythera Press, 1969)
Sitwell, 0., Thomas Rowlandson (,Sing High! Sing Low', London,1964)
Steel, J., Mr. Rowlandson's England (Antique Collector's Club:1 85)
Summerson, J., The Microcosm of London, by T. Rowlandson and A.C Pugin (London, 1947)
Sutton, D., The Cunning Eye of Thomas Rowlandson (Apollo 105, 1977)
Waller, A. and Conelly, J. L., Thomas Rowlandson and the
London Theatre (Apollo 86, August 1967)
Wark, R., Rowlandson's Drawings for a Tour in a Post
Chaise (San Marino, 1966)
Wark, R., Rowlandson's Drawings for The English Dance of Death (San Marino, 1966)
Wark. R., Drawings by Thomas Rowlandson in the Huntington Collection (San Marino, 1975)
Abbey, J. R., Life in England in Aquatint and Lithography, 1770- 1860 (London, rep. 1972)
Barley, M. W., A Guide to British Topographical Collections (Nottingham, 1974)
Finberg, A. J., The English Water Colour Painters (London, 1906)
George, M. D., English Political Caricature to 1792: A Study of Opinion and Propaganda (Oxford, 1959)
George, M. D., English Political Caricature 1793-1832: A Study of Opinion and Propaganda (Oxford, 1959)
George, M. D., Hogarth to Cruikshank: Social Change in Graphic Satire (New York, 1967)
Gombrich, E. H., Meditations On a Hobby Horse (London, 1965)
Hardie, M., Water~colour Painting in Britain (London, 1966-68)
Harvey, J., Victorian Novelists and their Illustrators (London, 1970)
Lucas, S. T., Bibliography of Water Colour Painting and Painters (London, 1976)
McLean, R. , British Coloured Books, 1738-1898)
Prideaux, S. T., Aquatint Engravings: A Chapter in the History of Book Illustration (London, 1909)
Riely, J., Horace Walpole and "the Second Hogarth', (Eighteenth Century Studies, IX, 1975)
Tooley, R. V., English Books With Coloured Plates 1790 to 1860 (London, 1964)
Twyman, M., Lithography 1800-1850 (London, 1950)
Williams, I., Early English Watercolours (London,
Eaves, D., Graphic Illustration of the Principal English Novels of the Eighteenth Century (Ph.D. diss. Harvard Uni. 1944)
Wolf, E. C. J., Rowlandson and his Illustrations of Eighteenth Century Literature (Copenhagen, 1944)
Hopkins, R. H., Social Stratification and the Obsequious Curve : Goldsmith and Rowlandson (Studies in the 18th. Century 111 Toronto, 1976)
Additional :'Thomas Rowlandson: Historian of English Social Life' (History Today, July 1956)
ELECTRONIC (some images)
National Gallery of Washington
To Come:
Visual Resources Links
We hope to feature other graphic satirists:
Curator of the Archive: Allen
With thanks to Ewan Sutherland
Copyright.Allen Samuels,
page last updated february 1998